This page has been created to bring awareness to the fact that herpes affects everyone differently and for most people it is a mild and manageable skin condition.
Herpes outbreaks are not always severe. In many cases the symptoms will look like nothing more than a minor skin irritation, a paper cut or pimple.
Below is a collection of herpes pictures that are in aim of showing you that not all herpes cases are severe and nasty. These images have been contributed by real people who have herpes.
Some outbreaks can be severe and painful but most people’s are not – if you are one of the unlucky few who do experience very active symptoms hopefully it is in the early stages only. The first primary outbreak is almost always the worst because the body needs time to develop antibodies to fight the virus. Once these antibodies are produced the outbreaks are likely to become far less severe.
For most people, outbreaks tend to get less and less with time and can be greatly improved by strengthening your immune system and finding the right combination of factors that works for you and your body. If you are struggling with outbreaks, take a look at our Herpes Treatment and Herpes Remedies pages to read about different approaches that have worked well for others.
Chances are, if you or your partner have herpes it will look nothing like the common worst case images that you see on the internet.
Conditions that look like Mouth Herpes
Also referred to as “cold sores” and “fever blisters”, a herpes infection on the mouth can be very small and insignificant or may develop into a pimple, sore or blister. Any blisters typically burst, scab over and then heal. The skin then repairs itself and returns to normal.
a) Photo Description:
Sex: Female
Location: Mouth, Lips, Oral Mucosa
Virus Type: Oral HSV-2
Female Cold Sore HSV-2
Contributor’s comment:
Conditions that look like Genital Herpes
Genital herpes symptoms can be as tiny as a paper cut, may resemble a pimple, blister or sore or might not show any visible symptoms at all. Itching and tingling is often felt when the virus is active.
a) Photo Description:
Sex: Female
Location: Genital infection on the vulva
Virus Type: Genital HSV-1
Note: More information about different herpes virus types
This is a picture of the first initial outbreak which for most people is normally the worst one. If there are any recurrences the symptoms are often smaller and heal faster.
Female Genital Herpes HSV-1
Contributor’s comment:
b) Photo Description:
Sex: Female
Age: 25 years old
Location: Vaginal / Anal Region
Virus Type: Genital HSV-2
Infected for: 6 months
This is a picture of the 2nd outbreak, at about the 7th day.
Female Genital HSV-2
Contributor’s comment:
c) Photo Description:
Sex: Female
Location: Genital infection on the labia
Virus Type: Genital HSV-2
Note: More information about different herpes virus strands.
This is a picture of the first initial outbreak, following the course of 5 days.