Mild herpes photographs are hard to find.. why?
Most herpes pictures on the internet at the moment only seem to show the worst and most severe outbreak photos.
What you can do to help show how normal herpes is!
We are trying to compile a section on our website which shows herpes photographs of outbreaks which are NOT all severe and scary. We want to show a collection of real images to give our visitors a fairer idea of what an outbreak can look like.
If anyone would like to help and contribute their photographs to us we will begin a new section on our website for this cause.
What to include with your herpes pic:
The image’s source will be confidential, however, information such as:
- your sex (male or female)
- your age
- the location of the infection (e.g. lips, buttocks, tailbone, etc)
- the strand (e.g. HSV Type 1 or 2) if you know it
And any other details if you want to share, such as:
- how long you have had the infection
- the day of the cycle, etc.
Whatever you want to share is fine, you can give as little or as much information as you like.
We can begin creating a better, more fair representation of what herpes can look like.
Thank you to anyone who is willing to help.
You can see the Herpes Pictures Gallery so far, here on our Herpes Support Forum.
Please note that there are some images of male and female genitals which makes these pictures graphic in nature.