Longest running online support network for people affected by the herpes and cord sores virus.


Herpes Home Remedies

Herpes Home Remedies

Below is a list of tried and tested home remedies for herpes outbreaks. These are things that you can try...

How Can You Get Herpes

How Can You Get Herpes

A diagnosis of herpes often comes as a shock and can leave you asking "how did this happen to me?"....

Preventing Herpes Outbreaks

Preventing Herpes Outbreaks

Prevention methods, precautions and practical advice when dealing with Herpes: Is it possible to prevent infection? Prevention facts that you...

Genital Herpes Facts

Genital Herpes Facts

Genital herpes is also referred to as Herpes simplex virus 2, HSV-2 or herpes pro-genitalis. It is a very common...

Herpes Statistics

Facts and Figures Gender Infection is more common in women (approximately one out of four women) than in men (almost...

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