Longest running online support network for people affected by the herpes and cord sores virus.


Herbs for Herpes

Herbs for Herpes

These traditional remedies have impressive potential against Herpes (HSV-1 and HSV-2) Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata) Andrographis is a bitter herb that...

Having Children & Herpes

Having Children & Herpes

Conception, Pregnancy and Childbirth Herpes is not a genetic condition and so cannot be passed on from parent to child...

Herpes Prognosis

Herpes Prognosis

Will there be a cure for herpes? Although the herpes virus is relatively easy to kill in a laboratory dish...

Herpes Recurrences

Herpes Recurrences

How often are Herpes recurrences? When the virus reactivates (or wakes up) it travels nerve paths to the surface of...

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