Longest running online support network for people affected by the herpes and cord sores virus.


Herpes Home Remedies

Herpes Home Remedies

Below is a list of tried and tested home remedies for herpes outbreaks. These are things that you can try...

How Can You Get Herpes

How Can You Get Herpes

A diagnosis of herpes often comes as a shock and can leave you asking "how did this happen to me?"....

Female Herpes Concerns

Womanly Concerns with Herpes Painful Urination Women with herpes often experience pain when urinating. It is important to avoid problems...

Genital Herpes Facts

Genital Herpes Facts

Genital herpes is also referred to as Herpes simplex virus 2, HSV-2 or herpes pro-genitalis. It is a very common...

Herpes Recurrences

Herpes Recurrences

How often are Herpes recurrences? When the virus reactivates (or wakes up) it travels nerve paths to the surface of...

Herpes Transmission

How is Genital Herpes Spread? Genital herpes can be transmitted with or without the presence of sores or other symptoms...

Herpes Treatments

Herpes Treatments

If you are struggling with herpes symptoms this article can help you to understand your options. There is no need...

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