Longest running online support network for people affected by the herpes and cord sores virus.


Herpes Signs and Symptoms

Herpes Signs and Symptoms

What does herpes look like? A Cold Sore Before a cold sore appears the area will sometimes tingle, feel slightly...

Herpes Prevention Tips

Herpes Prevention Tips

Preventing the Transmission of Herpes It is certainly possible to have a sexual relationship and not spread the herpes virus,...

Herpes Medications

Herpes Medications

How do the current herpes medications (pills) work? Mode of Action The major drugs that doctors use to treat the...

Herpes Home Remedies

Herpes Home Remedies

Below is a list of tried and tested home remedies for herpes outbreaks. These are things that you can try...

Preventing Herpes Outbreaks

Preventing Herpes Outbreaks

Prevention methods, precautions and practical advice when dealing with Herpes: Is it possible to prevent infection? Prevention facts that you...

Lysine Safety Information

Lysine Safety Information

Lysine is an essential amino acid that is needed for the development of our bodies and for resistance against diseases...

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